Why do you need dental implants?

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Different types of dental implants are artificial tooth replacements that are affixed to the jawbone. The procedure is carried out by a qualified dentist in a setting with the necessary dental tools. By doing this, health hazards are reduced and your safety is guaranteed. For people wishing to improve their smile, dental implants are a great option. However, its benefits go beyond enhancing aesthetically pleasing appearances.

Why do you need Dental Implants?

1. One or more of your teeth are missing.
You no longer need to feel humiliated about your tooth problem, whether you are missing one tooth or several. Considering there is no risk of dental implants, we at Dr Dabas are here to support you. For people wondering if is there any alternative to dental implants, we would like to add that dental implants are a fantastic way to address your missing tooth issue. A dental implant will close the gap and match the rest of your smile’s natural appearance. In contrast to your natural smile, you won’t have to worry about it being out of place.

2. You wear partials or dentures that are loose.
There are so many people who experience loose partials and dentures. It is unfortunate that people must go through this, especially when there are other solutions available. Dentures that progressively become loose might be fixed by zero risk of dental implants. The implants will mimic your natural teeth in both appearance and feel. There is no longer a need to endure the numerous issues that losing dentures might bring about.

3. You must get your tooth out since it has grown infected.
If a tooth becomes infected, it can either be removed or preserved using specific methods. The numerous advantages and disadvantages of dental implants might be able to enlighten you that if your infection is too severe, then the tooth cannot be saved. Your new tooth will be the dental implant after the infected tooth is extracted. Like your natural teeth, they will be strong and resilient. The best part about having dental implants is that there is minimal post-treatment care for dental implants.

4. Your face appears to be sunken in.
Why do the mouth and chin areas of people wearing dentures appear sunken in?

This is usually because dentures do not stimulate the jawbone to promote the rebuilding of important tissue. As a result, the jaw disregards the fact that you are wearing dentures and continues to lose bone as you grow older.

Dental implants are the answer to this issue. No matter the type of dental implants, they stimulate the jawbone, so your smile won’t appear any different, and your implants won’t appear out of place.

6. You’re tired of handling sticky dental adhesives and denture maintenance.
If you have ever worn dentures, you are familiar with the situation where you remove them for cleaning and occasionally use denture adhesives to keep them in place. For most individuals, this doesn’t sound like much fun

With zero risk of dental implants, they are the greatest choice for those who don’t want to deal with dirty denture adhesives and who want a more practical solution for dental maintenance. You don’t need to follow post-treatment care for dental implants differently than you now do. That is because you maintain the implants in the same manner as you maintain your natural teeth—by brushing and flossing twice a day.

Enquire Now

    Why choose Dr DabasThebest dental implant clinic in Gurgaon
    With a budget-friendly cost of dental implants in Gurgaon, our dentists may advise on how to deal with teeth grinding or clenching during the day as well.

    All things considered, a dental implant will offer long-lasting strength and endurance to last for the foreseeable future. You can still enjoy your favourite meals without any hesitation if you have dental implants!
    Call us right away at 9319339475 to set up your consultation appointment if you’re having issues chewing your meals or have missing teeth.

    Best tips for healthy teeth and gums

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    When it comes to the health of your mouth, it’s not just about how straight your teeth are or how beautiful your smile is. Gum disease can still harm you even if you have the healthiest teeth and no cavities.

    Maintaining healthy teeth is a lifetime commitment. This involves following your regular regimen and using the proper oral care items, such as:

    1. Always clean your teeth before bed.
    It is generally recommended to wash your teeth at least twice a day. Especially, cleaning your teeth before bedtime gets rid of the plaque and germs that have gathered during the day.

    2. Properly brush
    Cleaning your teeth improperly is almost as bad as not brushing at all. Spend some time carefully brushing your teeth in circular motion with the toothbrush to remove plaque.

    3. Pay attention to your tongue
    Plaque could also form on your tongue. Along with bad breath, this may also result in a number of dental health complications. Clean your tongue in light strokes after each time you brush your teeth.

    4. Use toothpaste with fluoride.
    Whatever version of toothpaste you choose, make sure fluoride is present which is the key element of dental health. Fluoride has a significant role to play in preventing tooth decay. It works by getting rid of the microorganisms that can lead to tooth decay and by protecting your teeth.

    5. Give flossing the same weight as brushing
    Food crumbs or veggies that may have become stuck between your teeth were removed during flossing. It primarily works to stimulate gum tissue, reduce plaque accumulation, and help diminish localised sensitivity.

    6. Consume extra water.
    Water is the best beverage for the entire body, including your mouth. This can assist in washing off some of the negative effects of sticky and acidic foods and beverages in between brushing.

    7. Give up smoking
    Another reason for smokers to quit is the clear link between smoking and the emergence of gum disease. Your immune system is weakened by smoking, making it more challenging for you to fight off a gum infection. Smoking also makes it more challenging for your damaged gums to heal.

    8. Consume fresh fruits and veggies.
    Despite their apparent convenience, ready-to-eat foods may not be the healthiest for your teeth. The ideal option for your teeth is fresh, crunchy food because it contains more advantageous fibre. Parents should start their children off on more challenging meals early.

    9. Include fewer foods that are high in sugar and acid.
    Sugar eventually transforms into acid in the mouth, which can erode tooth enamel. These acids result in cavities. You may at least be cautious about your intake because tea, coffee, and acidic fruits can all erode teeth enamel.

    10. Schedule at least two annual dentist visits.
    Your daily habits have a big impact on your general dental health. Make sure to visit the dentist at least twice a year, for cleanings and exams. In addition to identifying current issues, your dentist will also check for cavities, and calculus, and propose remedies.

    Enquire Now

      Meet with our dentist to discuss your options.​

      We will gladly conduct an examination to determine if you require dental treatment at Dr Dabas Dental Clinic. Please contact our dental clinic at 9319339475 for more information on dental health.

      How to know if you need dental braces?

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      Have you ever questioned if you require braces or if is there right age to visit an orthodontist?

      While you might wonder if there are any alternatives to dental braces, did you realise that braces are worn for more than just aesthetic purposes? Patients frequently have braces because they have a typical orthodontic issue that is adversely affecting their dental health.

      Not certain if you require braces, how long I have to wear braces or is there any risk to dental braces?

      We at Dr Dabas encourage you to weigh both advantages and disadvantages of dental braces and schedule your free consultation to decide whether any treatment is required.

      How to know if you need dental braces and why to choose Dr Dabas– the best orthodontist clinic in Gurgaon

      Visibly crooked teeth: Because it is challenging to adequately brush or floss every day, the mouth is more susceptible to cavities. Food often gets stuck between teeth, leading to bad breath and gum issues. Dental braces can help you resolve this problem with the least amount of post-treatment maintenance.

      Teeth gaps: These often appear when the jaw bone size is greater than the size of the teeth. Gaps may lead to habits like thumb sucking and tongue thrusting. Food particles and plaque buildup between the teeth’s gaps make the gums more vulnerable to discomfort. The gaps can be readily addressed with inexpensive dental braces in Gurgaon from Dr. Dabas.

      Speech difficulties with bite problems: When the mouth is closed, the arrangement of the top and lower teeth is called the bite. An incorrect bite might cause problems with speaking. Additionally, this disorder causes unnecessarily excessive tooth wear. If left untreated, this can result in worn-down teeth becoming sensitive and making it difficult to eat hot or cold meals. Therefore, it is crucial that these issues are fixed with zero risk of dental braces.

      Chewing difficulty or dysfunction: Frequent tongue, cheek, or lip bites during chewing can also be a sign of misaligned teeth. It can occasionally be difficult to swallow food. The efficient chewing process is affected by misaligned teeth. These alignment problems do not resolve themselves and require braces to resolve the problem.

      Enquire Now

        Call Team Dr Dabas if you’re exhibiting any of the aforementioned symptoms. Before recommending orthopaedic treatment, Dr Dabas will do an oral and face examination, digital x-rays, and a chat with you. To learn more about this and other advantages and disadvantages of dental braces.
        contact us by phone at 9319339475 or email right away, and we’ll do our best to assist you with all of your orthodontic requirements.