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Providing High-Quality Dental Care
Healthy And Happy Smiles For Your Family
A Comfortable Experience With Modern Technology
Providing High-Quality Dental Care
Healthy And Happy Smiles For Your Family
A Comfortable Experience With Modern Technology
Providing High-Quality Dental Care
Healthy And Happy Smiles For Your Family
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    Gum Treatment in Gurgaon

    Gum Diseases

    Periodontal diseases/ Gum Diseases form the infectious conditions encompassing the structure around teeth, that is gums and bone around the teeth. The infected structures may include gums, alveolar bone, and periodontal ligament. If periodontal treatment is not undertaken on time, the condition can progress from the first stage known as gingivitis which only affects the gums to the other structures, taking a complicated turn leading to pyorrhoea.

    Periodontal diseases are often caused by a combination of dental plaque and bacteria and might require a non-surgical treatment or gum graft surgery to reduce the effects of gum recession. The condition is identified by symptoms such as bleeding gums, swollen gums, persistent bad breath, painful chewing, suddenly sensitive teeth, loose teeth, gum recession etc.

    Periodontal treatment or laser gum surgery is suggested for patients who develop aforesaid symptoms. The procedure of periodontal treatment will help in

    • Removing bacteria from beneath the gums
    • Reshaping the bones supporting teeth
    • Preventing future gum damage

    We at Dr Dabas Clinic offer the following Periodontal Treatment based on the severity of the condition:

    1. Crown Lengthening – The procedure involves removing soft tissues to give you better crown length. It results in a more stable crown and reduced gum discomfort. Crown lengthening is the periodontal treatment that helps your teeth look longer and more even and addresses the cosmetic concern if you have a “gummy” smile or an uneven gum line.
    2. Bone Grafting– Your jaw bone is responsible for holding your teeth and gums in place. Unfortunately, periodontal disease can eat away your jaw bone, causing it to appear “depressed” or reduced in some areas. Using various bone grafting techniques as a part of periodontal treatment, this missing bone can often be partially regenerated again.
    3. Basic Gum Treatment, Scaling, and Root Planning– Gum diseases are caused by a bacterial infection or plaque forming on your teeth. Using specialist instruments, a bacterial infection in the top layers of the pockets around your teeth is eradicated.
    4. Ridge Augmentation– A sunken region in your gum line might occur following dental extraction. This is unattractive and it could compromise the appearance of a bridge that passes through this location. This depression can be filled with bone grafting material or by performing a gum graft surgery as part of the periodontal treatment.
    5. Contouring of the Gingiva: Also called the tissue or gum reshaping process, gingival contouring is the periodontal treatment that shapes gums that are too high or too low.
    6. Frenectomy– A frenectomy is the laser gum surgery that removes one of the tissue or muscle folds that link the lips, cheeks, or tongue to the jawbone to correct and improve the lip and tongue motion or close the teeth gap.

    If you are looking for Gum treatment in Gurgaon, Schedule an appointment at Dr Dabas Dental  Clinic in Gurgaon at  9319339475


    Is gum therapy required?

    Gum disease may result in bone and tooth loss if left untreated. A professional cleaning should suffice if gum disease is detected early and hasn’t already harmed the structures beneath the gum line. But scaling and root planning can be required if your gum and tooth pockets are too deep.

    How long does it take for gum treatment to heal?

    Healing from laser gum treatment

    The length of time it takes for your gums to heal will depend on the severity of your gum disease. While deeper pockets can take months to fully heal, it can take anywhere between 2 and 4 weeks for superficial ones. For the first few days, it is suggested that you eat only soft foods because your mouth will be sore and swollen.

    How do dentists treat an infection of the gums?

    Antibiotics. Antibiotics can be used topically or orally to treat bacterial infections. Following thorough cleaning, topical medicines, such as antibiotic mouthwash and antibiotic gel, are applied to pockets or the space between your teeth and gums.

    Does gum therapy resemble deep cleaning?

    What Differs Deep Cleaning from Periodontal Cleaning? Periodontal cleaning is much the same as thorough cleaning. A deep cleaning is performed below the gumline, whereas a routine cleaning removes tartar and build up off the surfaces of the teeth. For this reason, it is also known as a periodontal cleaning.

    Is gum laser therapy painful?

    Laser gum treatment is typically almost painless. To keep you comfortable throughout the surgery, we frequently utilise local anaesthetic.

    Can gum disease become serious?

    However, if gum disease is not treated, it can spread and harm bones, teeth, and tissue. Abscess or infection in the gingiva or jaw bone are examples of complications. A more serious condition that can result in bone and tooth loss is periodontitis.

    After having gum surgery, can I clean my teeth?

    Brushing: You can start brushing your teeth’s chewing surfaces the day after surgery. Please refrain from brushing your gums in the surgical areas for the first week.

    How painful is recovery from gum surgery?

    Three to four days following your surgery, your discomfort may get worse. The sutures and dressing may become strained as the tissues start to recover. To lessen tenderness, you could decide to take any type of painkiller an hour before your appointment for suture removal.

     After having gum surgery, how do you sleep?

    We advise you to sleep with your head and shoulders elevated over your heart after oral surgery. Increase the number of pillows in your bed or other resting area. This is a great method to keep your head raised if you have a recliner.

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