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A Comfortable Experience With Modern Technology
Providing High-Quality Dental Care
Healthy And Happy Smiles For Your Family
A Comfortable Experience With Modern Technology
Providing High-Quality Dental Care
Healthy And Happy Smiles For Your Family
A Comfortable Experience With Modern Technology
Providing High-Quality Dental Care
Healthy And Happy Smiles For Your Family
A Comfortable Experience With Modern Technology

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    Best Root Canal Dentist & Specialist In Sector 56 in Gurgaon

    root canal treatment is an elimination of bacteria from the infected root canal, preventing further infection and saving the natural tooth. When one undergoes a root canal treatment at Dr Dabas Dental Clinic in Sector 56 Gurgaon, the infected pulp is removed from inside and the tooth is cleaned and disinfected carefully, then filled and sealed.

    How will you know if you need to visit a root canal specialist in Sector 56 Gurgaon?

    Root canals are needed for a cracked tooth from an accidental fall or a deep cavity, or issues from a previous filling. Patients generally need them when they notice the sensitivity of their teeth to hot and cold sensations.

    There are a few red flags that identify the need for a root canal:

    • Severe pain while biting or chewing 
    • Swollen or tender gums
    • Lingering sensitivity to hot or cold food items, even after the sensation has been removed
    • Deep decay of the gums

    Getting started with your root canal treatment in Gurgaon

    root canal treatment is usually done by an endodontist or a general dentist. First of all, dental X-rays need to be taken to determine the complete extent of the damage. Then you receive a local anaesthetic in your mouth to control pain during the procedure. A rubber-like sheet called a dental dam is placed around your tooth to keep it clean, protected and free of saliva during the process because it contains living cells which will take time for your body to absorb naturally on its own.

    Dental instruments that reach the pulp chamber through the crown of the tooth to remove any remaining infectious or diseased tissue are used to prevent infection from spreading within other areas of the mouth if left untreated.

    What are the steps?

    Root canal therapy is a three-step process that can take between one and three sessions to complete.

    1.Cleaning the root canal

    First, the dentist removes everything from inside the root canal by accessing the affected teeth. When the patient is under local anaesthesia, the dentist will make a small access hole on the tooth surface to remove the deal pulp and diseased tissue. Once this is done, the root canal is cleaned and disinfected with antibiotics.

    2.Filling the root canal

    For the next step, the dentist cleans, shapes and decontaminates the hollow area. The affected tooth is then filled with a rubber-like material, using an adhesive.

    3.Adding a crown or filling

    A tooth with no pulp must get its nutrients from the ligament attaching it to the bone and eventually the tooth will become more brittle. A crown or filling offers protection until it is complete.

    Treatment usually just requires one visit, however, if the canals are curved, there are multiple canals, or the infection is large, this could take one or two additional appointments.

    What happens after a root canal?

    Since the procedure involves removing the infected or damaged tissue within the tooth, it’s usually done to save the tooth instead of filing an entire tooth down. Usually, this is a permanent solution and you’ll enjoy your results, how long your results will last depend on how well you take care of your oral health over time.

    If you complain of any of the symptoms above, please call our dentist immediately. Your quick response can save your tooth from the trouble of extraction and replacement. We provide the best root canal treatment in Delhi NCR with budget-friendly RCT cost in Gurgaon-Delhi

    Root Canal Treatment in Sector 56 Gurgaon

    Root canal therapy can save your natural teeth by treating infected or inflamed pulp inside them. At Dr Dabas, providing treatment for a root canal in Gurgaon, we have different ways to approach this problem, including non-surgical and surgical options.

    Root canal treatment becomes essential in patients when centre part of the tooth becomes infected or inflamed. This centre part, known as the pulp, comprises the blood vessels, living connective tissues, nerves and root canal treatment saves the damaged or infected tooth. The procedure prevents the tooth from damaging further. If left untreated , it leads to complications and finally has to be extracted.

    The most common elements contributing to tooth infection or damage are; trauma leading to a broken tooth or cracked tooth, tooth decay or cavities, gum inflammation or plaque accumulation etc. These factors can cause infection or sometimes irreversible damage to the pulp. The condition leaves the person with excruciating pain at times and needs immediate root canal treatment.

    Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic treatment, is a procedure that is performed to treat and save a damaged or infected tooth. When the pulp inside a tooth becomes infected or inflamed, it can cause severe pain and sensitivity. In such cases, a root canal treatment may be necessary to remove the infected pulp and save the tooth.

    If you’re in Gurgaon or Delhi NCR and looking for a reliable root canal specialist, then Dr Dabas is one of the best options available. Dr Dabas is a highly experienced and qualified dentist who specializes in root canal treatment. He has years of experience in performing root canal treatments and has helped countless patients save their teeth.

    The root canal treatment cost in Gurgaon may vary depending on the complexity of the case, but Dr Dabas offers affordable pricing and quality services. He believes in providing his patients with the best possible care at an affordable cost.

    As a root canal specialist in Gurgaon, Dr Dabas uses the latest technology and equipment to perform the procedure. He also provides his patients with the necessary information about the treatment, so they can make an informed decision about their dental health.

    If you’re looking for the best root canal treatment in Gurgaon, Dr Dabas is the right choice for you. His team is committed to providing the highest level of care to their patients and making their experience as comfortable as possible.

    Dr Dabas also provides root canal treatment in Delhi NCR, making it convenient for patients to receive treatment in a location that’s closer to them. His clinic is located in sector 56 Gurgaon, making it easily accessible to patients in the area.

    if you’re in need of root canal treatment in Gurgaon or Delhi NCR, Dr Dabas is the root canal specialist you should consider. With his expertise and affordable pricing, you can be sure that you’re receiving the best possible care for your dental health. Don’t let tooth pain and sensitivity go untreated – contact Dr Dabas today to schedule your appointment.

    What Are the Signs That You Might Need a Root Canal?

    You will experience the following symptoms that motivate you to take action if your pulp gets irritated or infected.


    Although toothaches are very frequent, certain toothaches indicate the presence of an inflamed or diseased pulp. If you wake up with a sharp pain in the middle of the night that progresses to a widespread headache, it’s possible that your tooth’s root is hurting.


    There’s a significant possibility you’ll need a root canal if you see a bulge around the crown of a tooth and/or pus in the mouth.


    Extreme sensitivity to hot and cold meals is not a good sign.


    A damaged pulp is indicated by dark staining on the tooth.  It is not a good indicator.

    Now is not the time to wait.

    If you have a persistent ache that doesn’t appear to be going away, please call our dentist right away. It is usually preferable to save a tooth rather than extract and replace it.

    The Methodology

    Root canals are usually done in two appointments, with the first visit taking up to an hour. The second appointment is for a dental crown, as most of your tooth will be lost during the procedure and will need to be capped with a crown to look normal again.

    Potential Signs of damaged/infected pulp that must not be ignored by patients!

    While the symptoms of pulp damage can be similar to other common dental conditions, it is better to visit a dentist immediately to save the tooth and stay safe than sorry, for losing it. Beware of the following symptoms and address the potential symptoms of infected or damaged pulp.

    • Sharp and frequent pain in the tooth
    • Pus or bulge around the crown or rooth of the tooth
    • Extreme sensitivity to cold or hot meals
    • Discolouration of tooth
    • pain on chewing or touch

    How is Root canal treatment done?

    Root canal treatment is usually performed from single to two appointments depending on the infection. The whole procedure is done by a root canal specialist, under local anaesthesia. In first appointment infected tissue is removed from the tooth. The tooth is then cleaned and shaped.

    The second appointment for root canal treatment involves the dentist placing a special root filling material on the tooth that was cleansed and shaped in the previous sitting. Since most of the tooth area is lost during to procedure, it needs a cap or crown to make it look normal again.

    Are there any side effects of Root Canal Treatment?

    While root canal and crown treatment do not involve any major side effects, the common one to follow is a dull pain in the treated tooth which usually vanishes within a week.

    Contact us at Dr Dabas Clinic: The best root canal specialist in Gurgaon

    At Dr Dabas, we understand that no two root canals are the same. That’s why we offer a variety of root canal treatment in Gurgaon. We use state-of-the-art methods to provide different types of root canals, which all help to increase the chances for better outcomes for your teeth.

    Visiting a dentist for the best root canal treatment in Gurgaon

    Dentists go through expert training to manage different types of root canal procedures. This training increases the success rate and helps prevent pain during and after the procedure, besides using technologies that allow them to use minimally invasive methods.

    At Dr Dabas, we offer the best possible care treatment for a root canal in Gurgaon. Our root canal specialist in Gurgaon makes medical investments in the best technology for this therapy and is adept at performing root canal treatments

    If you have any of the above symptoms, please call our dentist @ 9319339475

    Your quick response can save your tooth from the trouble of extraction and replacement.

    Enquire Now


      Why do I require a root canal procedure and what is a root canal?

      Root canal treatment is a treatment for the pulp and nerve of a tooth. It’s often used for infected, decayed, or painful teeth. The treatment includes removing the diseased tissue and any infected tissue in the root canals of the tooth. Then, the root canal is cleaned and filled with a restorative material, like an amalgam. Root canal treatment is used to remove infected and decayed teeth from the root canal. Infected teeth may be filled with bacteria that can cause an infection, abscesses, and severe pain. In some cases, teeth may also need to be removed. This treatment is most often done in dentists offices, but it can also be done at home.

      How will the RCT procedure proceed?

      An X-ray is taken as the first step to see how the root canals look and to see if there are any signs of infection in the surrounding bone. After that, your endodontist will numb the area around the tooth with Local Anaesthesia, making you feel more at ease and relaxed. The tooth will then be drilled to make an access hole. With the assistance of Root Canal Files, the tooth’s pulp, bacteria, decayed nerve tissue, and other debris are extracted. After that, a variety of irrigating solutions are used to flush the debris out. After the tooth has been thoroughly cleaned, the root canals are filled with a rubber-like material and an adhesive cement is used to completely seal the canals. The tooth will likely require a crown after the Root Canal procedure to prevent further fractures.

      Is root canal treatment painful?

      When someone is informed that they require Root Canal Therapy (RCT), they frequently envision pain. However, the root canal procedure did not cause the discomfort that was experienced; rather, it was brought on by an infection in the tooth. RCT is actually performed to relieve pain, and the process is painless. In order to lessen patient worry and deliver RCT without pain, our trained endodontists use local anaesthesia after carefully applying topical anaesthesia. To ensure that you receive a comfortable treatment, we use the most up-to-date technology.

      Would extraction—pulling the tooth—be a preferable course of action?

      If you as a patient have the option, it is always better to get a Root Canal treatment to keep your natural teeth because it is pointless to replace them with artificial ones. Cost is one of the many benefits of root canal therapy over tooth extraction. While RCT has a higher initial cost, tooth extractions frequently result in higher long-term costs. A dental bridge, an implant, or a partial denture—all of which are more expensive than RCT—will typically be required to fill in the void left by an extracted tooth. In addition, a gap in your mouth creates an imbalance that can lead to a number of issues, including difficulty biting and chewing. Modern methods and anesthesia make RCT almost painless. RCT is simple and time-saving as opposed to tooth extraction, which typically causes more pain. It has a high success rate and long-lasting effects. The tooth can be saved with minimal discomfort and time spent on it; Additionally, neither a dental implant nor a bridge will ever feel exactly like your natural tooth.

      How can I prevent having to get a root canal treatment in the future?
      Brush and floss your teeth every day to prevent tooth decay. Maintain a nutritious diet that is low in sugar and steer clear of highly acidic beverages. For checkups and quick decay-prevention/correction procedures, see your dentist periodically. If you play sports, you might want to have a custom-made mouthguard to protect your teeth from harm.

      What will occur while having a dental rct procedure?

      1. Infected tooth
      2. Opening made in tooth
      3. Infected tissue removed canals cleaned
      4. Canal filled with permanent material
      5. Opening sealed with filling, in some cases, a post is inserted extra support
      6. New crown cemented onto rebuilt tooth